AI @ the Point of Care

Emerging Technologies in Medicine

Join 15th - 16th March

Story Vidoe

AI Experts and Healthcare Visionaries Unite.

Dive into the future of healthcare at ETIM 2024, hosted by Germany's pioneering Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (IKIM). Uniting clinicians, scientists, startups, and more. This symposium promises dynamic discussions and groundbreaking presentations, showcasing the intersection of diverse disciplines in driving medical AI innovation


AI, Foundational Models, Healthcare and Startups


Meet people from Healthcare, Industry and Science


From 15th to 16th March 2024


Lehr- und Lernzentrum, Virchowstraße 163a, 45147 Essen

Conference Chairs.

Michael Forsting

Chairman of the Department of Radiology
Chief Medical Officer, IT Department, Essen University Hospital

Jochen Werner

Medical Director and Chairman of the Board, Essen University Hospital

Felix Nensa

Institute for Artificial Intellligence in Medicine
AI and Data Integration

Jens Kleesiek

Institute for Artificial Intellligence in Medicine
Medical Machine Learning
Vice Director Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum

Guest of Honor.

Otmar Wiestler

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. mult.
Präsident der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren

StartUpBlock Jurors.

Shabnam Fahimi-Weber

Dr. med., Dr. med., Founder and CEO of dubidoc, managing partner of the ENT-Research and HNO-Zentrum-Ruhr in Essen

Hannes Rothe

Prof. Dr., Information Systems and Sustainable Supply Chain Management, University Duisburg-Essen

David Matusiewicz

Prof. Dr., Dekan | Gesundheit und Soziales Direktor | Institut für Gesundheit & Soziales (ifgs) CIBE | Center for Innovation, Business Development and Entrepreneurship FOM | Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management


Clemens Tepel


Bernd Giebel


Jeyla Sadikova



Dominik Pförringer

PD Dr. med. - Orthopedics & Traumatology
Founder Digital Health Summit
Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU Munich

Anke Diehl

Chief Transformation Officer
Head of Digital Transformation
Dr. med., Essen University Hospital

Conference Speakers.

Daniel Truhn

Prof. Dr. med. Dipl-Phys., MSc

Jakob Nikolas Kather

Prof. Dr. med., M.Sc.
Chair for Clinical Artificial Intelligence Medical Faculty of Carl Gustav Carus and Faculty for Informatics Technische Universität Dresden

Gregor Štiglic

Vice Dean for Research and Professor at the University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences Honorary Fellow at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh

Daniel Rückert

Alexander von Humboldt-Professor for AI
Director, Institute for AI and Informatics in Medicine Klinikum rechts der Isar & TU Munich

Tobias Penzkofer

Prof. Dr. med. Senior Consulting Radiologist Department of Radiology Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Michael Ingrisch

Professor for Clinical Data Science in Radiology at LMU University Hospital Munich, LMU Munich

Oliver Eidel

Managing Director at OpenRegulatory

Katharina Lix

Head of AI Products & Strategy, QuantCo

Bernhard Kainz

Prof. Dr., Head of Intelligent Data Exploration and Analysis Lab

Daniel Gotthardt

Prof. Dr. med., Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer CHS

Behrus Puladi

Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.,
University Hospital Aaachen

Paul Jäger

Research Group Leader at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Helmholtz Imaging

Daniel Pinto Dos Santos

Senior radiologist / assistant professor at University of Cologne and University of Frankfurt

Isabella Wiest

Dr. med., M.Sc., Clinician Scientist Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health Technische Universität Dresden And Department of Medicine II, University Hospital Mannheim Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University

Nick Schneider

Referatsleiter, Referat 5 11 – Grundsatzfragen neue Technologien und Datennutzung Bundesministerium für Gesundheit

Michael Georgi

Senior Solution Sales Manager at Huawei

Jan Beger

Head of AI Advocacy at GE HealthCare

Johannes Haubold

Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology - Essen University Hospital Institute for Artificial Intellligence in Medicine

Malte Groth

Cloud Technology Evangelist at Deepshore

Roland Kunz

Dr. phil. nat., Principal Emerging Technologies EMEA, Dell Technologies

Event Schedule.

Program Pricing.

Single Day

€ 35.00

  • 6 CME Points
  • Students 10.00€
Both Days

€ 50.00

  • 12 CME Points
  • Students 15.00€
UME Employee & UDE Students



Our Sponsors.

Deep gratitude to sponsors who made the ETIM 2024 possible. Your dedication to AI and healthcare is remarkable.

Wir danken den unterstützenden Firmen, die als Gegenleistung an unserer Veranstaltung teilnehmen können und in der Einladung sowie auf Präsentationsfolie vor Ort genannt werden: Siemens Healthineers 15.000 €, GE Healthcare 10.000 €, Dell 6.000 €, Huawei 4.500 €, Hansen & Gieraths EDV 3.000 €, Georg Thieme Verlag 2.000 €, Deepshore 2.000 €, Think About IT 1.000 € sowie Lenovo Deutschland 1.000 €. Die Einnahmen werden für Raummiete, Technik, Website, Druckkosten, Referentenreisekosten und Bewirtung verwendet.

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